Look for common problems that arise in class discussions to determine which intervention is best. Establish as a classroom norm that you will occasionally interrupt and refocus the class discussion to create a shared expectations about the importance of keeping the class on track. Ask students to raise their hands rather than shouting out contributions to enable you to call on students who contribute less often. Ask everyone to wait for a certain number of other students to speak before speaking again to reduce a few students from monopolizing the discussion. Meet with oversharers to help oversharers monitor their participation.
Establish as a classroom norm that you will occasionally interrupt and refocus the class discussion to create a shared expectations about the importance of keeping the class on track. Ask students to raise their hands rather than shouting out contributions to enable you to call on students who contribute less often. Ask everyone to wait for a certain number of other students to speak before speaking again to reduce a few students from monopolizing the discussion. Meet with oversharers to help oversharers monitor their participation.
Ask students to raise their hands rather than shouting out contributions to enable you to call on students who contribute less often. Ask everyone to wait for a certain number of other students to speak before speaking again to reduce a few students from monopolizing the discussion. Meet with oversharers to help oversharers monitor their participation.
Ask everyone to wait for a certain number of other students to speak before speaking again to reduce a few students from monopolizing the discussion. Meet with oversharers to help oversharers monitor their participation.