Incentivize and facilitate study groups to normalize students learning from each other outside of class. Incentivize posting or answering questions online to extend the community outside of the classroom. Specify appropriate and inappropriate forms of collaboration to help students identify opportunities to collaborate. Assign low-stakes group assignments early in the semester to ensure everyone knows at least one person in the class.
Incentivize posting or answering questions online to extend the community outside of the classroom. Specify appropriate and inappropriate forms of collaboration to help students identify opportunities to collaborate. Assign low-stakes group assignments early in the semester to ensure everyone knows at least one person in the class.
Specify appropriate and inappropriate forms of collaboration to help students identify opportunities to collaborate. Assign low-stakes group assignments early in the semester to ensure everyone knows at least one person in the class.
Assign low-stakes group assignments early in the semester to ensure everyone knows at least one person in the class.